If you’ve been following me or paying attention to my social media posts, you’ll know my branding message is centered around the “woo-woo at heart.”
The word woo-woo could be seen as a derogatory term because it is typically a word used by skeptics to describe something or someone that they simply cannot explain away with science. The term has been used in reference to almost any form of unconventional thinking simply because this open-minded idea or individual typically relies on faith, belief and inner-knowing. Things that can’t be measured or quantified by science or fact. Some might get offended that I use the term, but I would like to explain what spurred me to shift my business and why I was guided to use woo-woo at heart in my message. Think back to when you first started your spiritual transformation business. You have probably been told by some business guru or coach that there are clients out in the world just waiting to find you, and if you put yourself out there, they will come.
That isn’t an actual untruth, but what many strategists leave out is that we are not cookie-cutter carbon copies, and there’s not a sure-fire way to attract your clients or a secret formula on how to run your business and be a success. One missing ingredient, my friend, is YOU and your unique energy. To attract your soul clients, you first need to know who you truly are. If you’re like most woo-woo entrepreneurs, I’m sure you’ve gotten deep in the trenches on this one, but if not, or you want to dig deeper, check out The SoulfulSync. The other missing ingredient is CLARITY. I have all my prospective clients go through the SoulfulSync process.
It doesn’t matter if they are just starting out or if they are a seasoned transformational entrepreneur. I have this as a requirement because in order to align your energy and be authentic in all aspects of your spiritual transformation business, you must first identify your soul traits and learn how you are designed to be more in the flow with your business, branding and marketing. Plus you need a strategy to get aligned and start attracting your soul clients. You might think that sounds all good for a newbie, but a seasoned woo-woo entrepreneur knows this stuff, right? I talk about using the lunar phases to assist in your life and transformational business. The full moon is a perfect time to review your intentions and clip away what is not serving you. Be it some intentions you set at the new moon or anything else in life you are ready to release, such as bad habits, unhealthy relationships, old wounds or a client that doesn't value you and your time.
I don't typically talk about the lunar cycle's current monthly phases. Still, after reading about Thursday's full moon in Leo (January 28-29, 2021), I feel compelled to share a little about what I've learned and how using my full moon clipping process might be enhanced with these energies. The fiery Leo full moon energy calls for us to let go of old ways of being and putting to death what no longer serves. I invite you to do the full moon clipping practice below and read on as I share the insights I had around this powerful time of the month and lunar cycle. Okay, I get it! The pressure to get something up on social media is almost unbearable at times. In today’s world, if you are not posting every day across all channels, you feel like your ideal soul clients are going to miss you or you’re going to miss out on them.
But what if I told you that you could be doing more harm than good by throwing that random quote up? Because let’s face it, that’s exactly what it is…RANDOM! And the first thing your prospective client is going to think is “What does this have to do with me?”. Oh and if you are not creating your own social media posts and content, you’d be better off not posting at all...period. |
Amanda Johnson Young is a brand strategist, intuitive designer and soul guide sharing what she's learned about branding, business, mindset, moving through your fears, raising your energy frequency and more! LEARN MORE LIKE WHAT YOU READ HERE?
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