If you’ve been following me or paying attention to my social media posts, you’ll know my branding message is centered around the “woo-woo at heart.” The word woo-woo could be seen as a derogatory term because it is typically a word used by skeptics to describe something or someone that they simply cannot explain away with science. The term has been used in reference to almost any form of unconventional thinking simply because this open-minded idea or individual typically relies on faith, belief and inner-knowing. Things that can’t be measured or quantified by science or fact. Some might get offended that I use the term, but I would like to explain what spurred me to shift my business and why I was guided to use woo-woo at heart in my message. Out of the spiritual closet I have been hiding and for a long time. I have gone through the bulk of my life attempting to do what I needed to do to fit in and be accepted. I knew early on that I was different, maybe even weird. But I didn't want to see those traits. I didn't want to accept them. Why would I? No one else seemed to be like me, and I was scared I wouldn't be welcomed into society's fold. I had a hard enough time making friends. Nope, not going there! So I put everything that made me unique away, cloaked myself in trendy fashions to look the part, picked up my masks and did my very best to fit in and keep all that “didn’t fit” contained and under wraps. After many years of this charade, I found myself in therapy for a myriad of things going on in my life. Panic and anxiety were the big ones, along with abandoning myself for the illusion of safety. I spent a lot of time taking out and getting reacquainted with all the aspects of myself that I had crammed away in my closet. (Think of the closet scene in “27 Dresses”) The last piece was my spirituality. I was actually hiding the most beautiful thing about me – hiding all my faith, belief, gratitude and hopefulness for this planet and in humanity itself. I was hiding my light, my spark, and I didn't want to hide it any longer. During the time in therapy, I started learning about other forms of holistic healing and energetic and spiritual tools to help me rediscover who I was at my core. I was certified in a lot that I was studying, but I was utilizing the resources on the down-low, always afraid of making someone feel uncomfortable because it wasn’t the norm. I was still trying to fit in. I had started my own business, and though I was telling my clients to be different in order to be seen and heard, I was secretly not walking my talk. The funny thing was that the universe had a way of bringing me the transformational entrepreneurs even though I was hiding. Every time it was just a reminder that I had to be covert in how I handled things and who I told about my secret. I told myself that even though they were out of the closet, it didn't mean I needed to be. They were finding me, right? I had been sitting on an idea for over four years on how to merge my spiritual knowledge with my brand design business. Thankfully I got the hint after being beat over the head with each new client. I was done hiding. With that choice made, I was awakened early in the morning with "Brand Healing & Soul Guidance for the Woo-Woo at Heart!" going through my head. That was the ah-ha defining moment that helped me stop hiding, step out of my closet with all my uniqueness and be proud to embrace my woo! And after many years of feast and famine, fumbling around trying everything I could get my hands on to elevate my business, I have finally embraced the fact that it isn't about finding the 'right' business solution, method or program. It is about finding energetic alignment and being authentically and unapologetically YOU in everything you do! I found a unique way to weave all the energetic and spiritual tools I have learned in order to align my energy with my business and be proud to be me in all that I do. Yep, no more faking it to make it or trying to fit in because that doesn't work!!!!! And guess what else I found? My inner spark that lights me up because I love what I'm doing and who I'm working with, too. Why woo? If you know the universe, you know it doesn't always make sense on a 3-D reality level. If you are woo-woo, you know that even if it doesn't make sense, but it feels right, you just know to trust it and go with it. I originally didn't understand why I was guided to use "woo-woo at heart," but I know now that I'm on a path to discover the reasoning behind the guidance. I've been called to raise the woo-woo flag. I am being guided to ask my fellow woo-woo entrepreneurs to step out and do the same. It just feels right and in alignment with who I am and what I'm here to do. So now I'm on a mission to help others living in fear and hiding their light – those who are blending in and playing it small and safe. It's time to EMBRACE YOURSELF and every glorious aspect of you and your soul...yep, even the WOO! It is my desire for you to be free to shine like the beautiful soul you are and bring your gifts into this world. Trust me. The world will be a much better place, having known you without the masks. I might not be your cup of tea, and I can finally say with confidence, it's okay. I don't care if I fit in any longer. I am finally practicing what I preach. I am doing what I ask my clients to do, and that feels in alignment and REAL. I might offend some of my transformational or spiritual colleagues by calling them woo-woo, but I do it with love. I also know there are individuals out there looking for my kind of vibe, and I trust they'll keep on coming. Why? I just know, and I have faith in the universe, in my guidance and in myself! ARE YOU WOO-WOO AT HEART? JOIN my Facebook group! WANT TO CLEAR YOUR LIMITING BELIEFS LIKE I DID? SIGN UP for the waiting list and be the first to know about upcoming virtual group healing sessions! Comments are closed.
Amanda Johnson Young is a brand strategist, intuitive designer and soul guide sharing what she's learned about branding, business, mindset, moving through your fears, raising your energy frequency and more! LEARN MORE LIKE WHAT YOU READ HERE?
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