Think back to when you first started your spiritual transformation business. You have probably been told by some business guru or coach that there are clients out in the world just waiting to find you, and if you put yourself out there, they will come. That isn’t an actual untruth, but what many strategists leave out is that we are not cookie-cutter carbon copies, and there’s not a sure-fire way to attract your clients or a secret formula on how to run your business and be a success. One missing ingredient, my friend, is YOU and your unique energy. To attract your soul clients, you first need to know who you truly are. If you’re like most woo-woo entrepreneurs, I’m sure you’ve gotten deep in the trenches on this one, but if not, or you want to dig deeper, check out The SoulfulSync. The other missing ingredient is CLARITY. The first step to gaining clarity is to hone in on who your soul clients actually are. A huge part of connecting with your soul clients is knowing who they are and better understanding what speaks to them, what they are looking for, why they are searching and how you can help them fulfill their needs. To do this, you’re going to need to explore who you love working with, why you love those types of individuals, how your transformational services can help and ultimately build your soul client personas. Because getting past generalized information like gender and age will help you tailor your messaging and ultimately your marketing strategy to your soul clients’ perspective, so you are able to connect much more deeply with them on a physical and energetic level and ultimately attract those that are ready and willing to work with you. 3 Steps to Identifying Your Soul Clients Step 1 - Discover Your Soul Purpose Most business models ask you to write a vision or mission statement. That is all fine and good, but if you don’t know why you are doing what you are doing, it’s just a statement. When you clarify why you love what you are doing and why you want to share your gifts with the world, it is so much easier to hone in on who you want to work with. Our soul purpose helps us shines brightly and emanate the energetic aura that will attract your soul clients. So get in a higher connected place and journal around what makes your heart sing, your soul shines brightly and lights up your energy? What do you want to give back to the world? Why do you want to share these gifts with your soul clients? Step 2 - Identify Your Soul Clients After discovering your soul purpose, continue to meditate and write down the traits of the client you really want to work with. Are they like you? Are they in contrast? What are some qualities you like in your colleagues, friends and family? What are some characteristics your clients need to have so you can create a true connection and build trust? Write down some attributes that describe them and get really creative. Forget about what most branding and marketing gurus say – you want to get into your heart space for this. Really dive deep into what you like about the people you love being around, the past clients that were amazing to work with or qualities you love about yourself that you would like mirrored back to you. Step 3 - Be Willing What will open you up fully to what you desire and get your energy primed to attract your soul clients is your state of being. The best way I’ve found to do that is to be willing. Are you willing to be authentic? Are you willing to fully embrace your soul purpose? Do you love what you do? Are you willing to shine brightly and take the steps necessary to be seen and heard? Are you fully embodying your gifts and sharing them with an open heart? Are you willing to attract your soul clients? When you are in a state of being willing, you are more than just in a state of “I am” – it’s a more expansive state where anything is possible if you are willing to be open. I’ve created the Soul Client Finder, a handy fillable guide, to help you discover your ideal clients so you can begin to align your brand and marketing messaging and better attract the special souls that want to work with you. Comments are closed.
Amanda Johnson Young is a brand strategist, intuitive designer and soul guide sharing what she's learned about branding, business, mindset, moving through your fears, raising your energy frequency and more! LEARN MORE LIKE WHAT YOU READ HERE?
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