Being a woo-woo entrepreneur myself, it makes sense to incorporate the cycles of the moon into my business planning and every day life. Each phase of the moon has a specific purpose that nurtures your monthly intentions and can enhance your goal-planning. Create goals worth striving for A goal is an observable and measurable end result that you intend to achieve or accomplish typically within a certain amount of time. Goals help you to focus your energy, form plans, feel a sense of accomplishment and live a purposeful life. Goals based on your core values - your meaningful beliefs - are powerful and serve as an anchor, provide a greater sense of purpose and are a source of motivation that can propel you forward.
Goal-setting with the lunar phases Set your intentions for the month Since the new moon cycles through at the beginning of each month, it’s the best time to reflect on your yearly and monthly goals and set your intentions for moving forward. It’s also a useful way to check in with yourself and see where you are in your life. Think of the darkness as a sign to go within and discover what you want and plant a seed in your life through intention. Hold your intentions The crescent moon (waxing crescent) is a time to meditate on your intentions, relax into the process and release any thoughts around an outcome. Take inspired actions to support your intentions The first quarter moon is the perfect time to take guided, intentional and inspired actions towards your intentions set at the new moon. Take stock of what has occurred since the new moon and check in to see what small steps you can take in order to reach your goals. Notice if you have had anything to respond to such as an invitation, a chance meeting, or an opportunity. Reflect and take action on anything that feels right to you. Let go and trust During the gibbous moon (waxing gibbous), it is most helpful for you to surrender your intentions and trust that if it’s in alignment, the universe has your back. Clip away all that doesn’t serve The full moon is a perfect time to review your intentions and clip away what is not serving you - be it some intentions you set at the new moon or anything else in life you are ready to release such as bad habits, unhealthy relationships or a client that doesn’t value you and your time. If some of your intentions are not for your highest path, let them go and correct your course. Gratefully receive During the disseminating moon (waning gibbous), check in with where you are since the start of the month. Practice gratitude for any intention or steps towards your intentions that have come into your life. Pay it forward The third quarter moon (last quarter) is a time to give back after receiving any of your intentions. To pay it forward means that instead of paying someone back for a good deed, you do a good deed for someone else. You don’t have to just pay it forward, you can do it just because you want to do something nice for someone else. Give thanks and reflect The balsamic moon (waning crescent), which arrives at the end of the month, is the best time to practice gratitude for what has come to pass in regards to your intentions. Whether that is being thankful that you have reached your goals, had to let some go or that some are still in progress. Wash, rinse and repeat Practice this form of goal-planning on a monthly basis and take note of what has occurred during the month. Right before the close of the month or just at the beginning before the new moon, I encourage you to jot down your accomplishments. Don’t forget to celebrate even the smallest of wins! To help you in each step of the process, I’ve created a lunar phase planner that you can use for both your personal and transformational business goals. The eight phases of the moon are included, along with tips for setting intentions, surrendering, clipping away, practicing gratitude and more. Comments are closed.
Amanda Johnson Young is a brand strategist, intuitive designer and soul guide sharing what she's learned about branding, business, mindset, moving through your fears, raising your energy frequency and more! LEARN MORE LIKE WHAT YOU READ HERE?
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