I have shared about how I use the lunar phases to assist the direction of your life and spiritual transformation business. On June 10, 2021, we have a new moon in Gemini with a ring of fire solar eclipse (not to mention there’s a Saturn return, Mercury in retrograde, and a whole lot more cosmic fun thrown into the mix). The new moon is about new beginnings. It is a perfect time to set your intentions. A solar eclipse brings an end to a six-month cycle and it begins another six-month cycle. So it’s about death and rebirth and adds fuel to our intention setting. Gemini is a sign of choice and it's all about communication, education, thinking, and learning. This energy helps us weigh our options and see things from a different perspective. For the next six months, we'll be exploring life through our thoughts, the words we use, our conversations, and the choices we make. I share all this because something came into my awareness today from Jennifer Spor that I feel could be very helpful as you set your intentions in your life and business: If you are feeling any doubt in yourself or your abilities, start adopting a mindset of knowing you are going to succeed versus hoping you're going to succeed. Having hope is fine, but it still implies there's a chance that what you want may or may not happen. If you make a conscious choice and KNOW that what you desire or wish to achieve is going to come to be. Let’s see if this mindset shift can add even more oomph to your intentions! Using the moon phases can enhance your goal-setting, planning and personal healing. To help you in each step of the process, I've created a lunar phase planner that you can use for both your personal and transformational business goals. The moon's eight phases are included, along with tips for setting intentions, surrendering, clipping away, practicing gratitude and more. Comments are closed.
Amanda Johnson Young is a brand strategist, intuitive designer and soul guide sharing what she's learned about branding, business, mindset, moving through your fears, raising your energy frequency and more! LEARN MORE LIKE WHAT YOU READ HERE?
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